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Frequently asked questions

On this page, we have compiled a list of questions that our customers have asked us and provided answers to them. We are also happy to answer your questions by phone or email.

Waste management

Yes, it can be done. You must give at least 3 days’ notice before the cancellation or interruption of service. You can cancel by email or by phone.

The frequency of emptying the waste bin can be set to suit you, taking into account the waste management regulations.

The waste container should be clearly marked with at least the address of the property.

The bin should be placed as close as possible to the boundary of the plot, next to the road, to allow the driver unobstructed access to the bin. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide unobstructed access to the container. For example, a car in front, a dog running loose in the yard or a container that is too heavy may prevent the driver from accessing the container and the driver will be charged for a visit without emptying it. When placing the bin, it is advisable to check the municipal regulations, which may specify very precisely where the bin is to be placed.

In urban areas, yards are often small and nowadays increasingly paved. A heavy refuse truck can easily damage yard structures in a small yard or a yard with insufficient load-bearing capacity, which is why it is generally forbidden to drive into yards in urban areas. The waste collector picks up the bin from the yard on foot, which is why it is advisable to locate the bin close to the access road to the yard.

Yes, you can. A cluster bin is a shared bin purchased jointly by neighbours, for which the properties in the cluster apply for a jointly agreed emptying interval.

The costs of the collections are shared according to a mutual agreement between the participating properties. If the members of the group wish to be billed separately for their share of the emptying, the group must indicate the billing ratio for each member (at least 10% per property).

When a housing company has several bins for the same waste (for example, three 660-litre mixed bins), this is called a group of bins. In the case of groups of containers, drivers are instructed to empty at least one container at a time, plus those containers that are more than 50% full. This keeps the waste bills of the housing association within reasonable limits, and allows for spare containers to be kept without a major impact on waste management costs. If you would like all containers to be emptied every time, please let us know by e-mail to hettulaoy@hettula.fi

Waste transporters have a long daily route, which is why any extra delays on the route are kept to a minimum. Drivers have been instructed not to ring the doorbell in such situations, but if the customer is in the yard, the driver can also ask to move the car.

There must always be unobstructed access to the bin, even if the car is in the yard. Even the day of emptying can sometimes be changed due to public holidays and equipment strikes, which is why access to the bin is important. It is therefore advisable to choose a permanent location for the bin so that you do not have to remember to change the position of the car, for example, because of the day of emptying.

Drivers always empty the waste containers that they can safely transport to and from their location. The maintenance of the bin and its surroundings is particularly important in winter, if only for the safety of the drivers. Frozen containers and yards, as well as unfinished snow work, always pose a risk of accidents. Not only is it difficult to drag a full bin in the snow, but the wheels of the bin can lock and break. Waste transporters have been instructed not to empty a bin unless it is safe to do so.

A refuse truck has a short wheelbase, which causes a large point load, unlike a log truck, which has a long wheelbase and a larger weight distribution. As the truck can weigh more than 26 tonnes and the weight is concentrated at the rear of the truck, the truck cannot drive on soft ground (e.g. grass or roads with poor bearing capacity) without risking damage to the yard or the truck.

A refuse lorry can weigh up to 26 tonnes and, especially in winter on slippery roads, can cause major damage if the driver loses control. The track gauge of a refuse truck is also different from that of a car. Drivers carry out all the emptying operations on the timetable, even in winter, and no bins are left unempty for no reason. If your yard is often slippery in winter, you should move your bin to a larger road for the winter.

Waste containers

The owner of the property, the occupant, is responsible for keeping the bin clean. In housing companies, the cleaning of the waste bin may also be delegated to the building management company.

Please contact Hettula Oy’s customer service so that the date of the dishwashing is recorded on your customer card. It is likely that the waste driver has already reported the container breakage via the electronic tachograph system. If possible, please take pictures of the broken container and send them to our Customer Services to speed up the processing of your case. In addition, please provide the make, model and year of manufacture of the container, which can often be found on the lid.

As a general rule, broken containers over five years old will not be replaced, as the plastic of the containers will become fatigued with use and age. Typical container failures due to plastic fatigue are cracking of the side or cracking and warping of the pan. When a bin breaks as it gets older, it usually breaks down when it is emptied.

Error by the waste carrier during emptying is also possible, and containers that have broken down due to carrier error will be replaced. However, broken containers caused by improper use of the container (e.g. overfilling or overweight) will not be replaced.

If you suspect that the reason for the breakage of a waste container is a manufacturing defect or that the container is unsuitable for mechanical loading, we recommend that you contact the seller as soon as possible using the Consumer Agency’s form. A good quality waste container has a frame warranty of several years, and during the warranty period the container will be replaced by the seller if the container breakage is not due to driver error.

The waste management regulations set minimum water levels for the waste container. Hand-carried containers must be suitable for mechanical loading, have wheels, grab handles and lids. The suitability for mechanical loading and the guarantee of the container should be checked with the seller when purchasing the container. The bin should last for many years of use, and a frame warranty of several years is a sign of good quality.

For example, you can also check the suitability of a 240-litre container for mechanical loading by looking for the standard marking EN 840-1 or EN 840.1. The container must also show the make or manufacturer of the container, its capacity, the maximum weight it can carry and the date of manufacture. As of 2016, the standard requirement is also included in the explanatory memorandum of the waste management regulations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on containers. We can also supply you with standard-brand containers.

In winter, the most common cause is waste freezing in the container. Otherwise, waste can get stuck at the bottom of the bin because the bin is too tightly packed, i.e. the waste is jammed into the bin to make it fit more. The bin is emptied mechanically and the waste compacted at the bottom does not always come loose. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the container is not overfilled and that there are no liquids in the waste that could cause freezing.

In these situations, it is wise for the customer to remove the waste from the bottom of the container after emptying and bag it. It is not advisable to compact the excess waste in the container, but to pack it in a waste bag next to the container. Compaction may also cause the container to break.

As waste at the bottom of the container is often tight and can take time to remove, waste transporters have been instructed not to remove compacted waste from the bottom of the container. There is also always a risk to safety, as the waste transporter cannot know what is in the container. It is the responsibility of the waste container owner to ensure that the waste does not freeze or get stuck at the bottom. The waste carrier is allowed to tip the bin a couple of times if not all the bags come out of the bin on the first tip. However, you cannot stay “banging” the bin, as this exposes the bin to damage.

Waste station

The waste station is open on weekdays from 7am to 4pm.

If a public holiday falls on a weekday, the waste station is closed.

Before taking your waste to the station, you can check in at the station booth or with the station manager (who may be working in the “field”), to report your arrival and tell them what waste you have. If the station manager is out on an errand, you can call them on +358 400643161.

Demountable platform services

The price of the demountable platform consists of the transport of the swap body to the customer’s site, from the site to the waste reception point and any transfers. When the swap body is emptied, a waste disposal fee, usually based on tonnes, is charged in addition to the transport fee.

When ordering a platform, it must be determined whether the pallet is needed for temporary use for a short period of time or for continuous service.

Towing service

Our tow truck is based in Kittilä, so if your car is, for example, in Äkäslompolo near our workshop, we will have to charge you the full kilometre rate for the tow truck. So in the example case, the kilometres Kittilä – Äkäslompolo – garage – Kittilä.


If you change your billing information, please send an email to hettulaoy@hettula.fi and the change will be reflected in future invoices.

We hope to receive invoices as e-invoices.

Online invoice
Address: 003703498289
003708599126 (OpenText)

For consumer customers, we recommend e-invoicing or e-mail invoicing. We also send invoices on paper or you can sign a direct debit agreement at your bank.

For business customers, we recommend e-invoicing. A paper invoice is also possible.

For consumer e-invoices, the customer signs an e-invoice contract in their online bank using the reference number of the previous invoice as the unique identifier. Changes and cancellation of the e-invoice contract are also made in the customer’s own online bank.
An e-invoice is an electronic bill for business customers, sent via operators or banks offering e-invoicing services. In general, e-invoices are received in the purchase invoice system.

It is likely that you have unknowingly accepted the e-authorisation offered by your bank when paying your bill online. The e-bill may also have been ordered by someone who paid the previous bill, for example your spouse. If you do not wish to receive e-invoices, you can cancel your e-invoice contract via your online bank or by contacting your bank.

Hettula Ltd will be informed of the e-invoice contract by the bank you use. Hettula Ltd is not able to cancel or create this e-invoice contract on your behalf.

Please contact Hettula Oy:s Customer Service.

+358500 643 160

The invoice may have come to you as an e-invoice, in which case it can be found in your online bank. Payment reminders are always sent by paper mail.

Hettula Oy does not receive information about a change of address from anyone other than the customer. So please notify our customer service of any address changes without delay.

Your emptying rhythm is every four weeks. For example, there are five Mondays in May 2016, which means that the collection visits may be on 2 May and 30 May.

In accordance with the Waste Act, the Kolari Municipal Council has decided that all properties in the municipality of Kolari must join an organised waste collection system, which is managed by the municipality through a contractor. For more information, please visit the website of Kolari municipality at the address below.

Jätehuolto – Kolarin kunta